E du me mæ? // Er du med meg?

Presentations of the duet:
August 24: Psdans, Hamar // During MOVE dance Festival, At 1. Opening performance of the festival and 2. at UTRYKK a trippelbill with two other creations.

June 24: Psdans, Hamar // Sharing after a weekend residency.

Jan 24: DansiT, Trondheim // Made in Værdaln, the show

Des 23: KGB CC Vest, Oslo // Made in Værdaln, the try out

March 23: Trøndertun FHS, Melhus // Sharing a doubblebill with Knuter

Des 22: Mind the gap, Oslo // Open stage for work-in-progress pieces

Preproject- week:
July 22, Verdal //  Founded by Trøndelag Fylkeskommune.

Co – Creating Dancer: Julie Schartum Dokken juliedokken.com

Duration: 15 min.

Style: #Contactimprovisation #Partnering

Workshop: The exercises is based on tasks from the duet.
Nov 23: Praxis, Trondheim

AKs longer sessions of Contact Improvisation input during the process:
Lewis Willis, workshop at B12, Berlin, 1-4 juli, 2024
Contact Impro Festival, Trondheim 6-8. october 2023
“Bevegelsesfestivalen”, Trondheim, Mai 2022 and 2023
C. I. 50 years anniversery weekend, Oslo. Oktober 2022.

Feedback sessions duet with: Anna thu Smidt, Brita Grov and Louis Schou-Hansen

Pictures Credits: Rune Aasen (from pre-project) and Simen Thornquist (mind the gap and front picture), Ann Kristin Holden  (one picture)

What can be good key points for building a connection and friendship between two people?
who does not know each other well, and can a dance duet guide us?

In this duet you will meet post Covid awkward greetings, the one-meter rule, struggles to understand eacother but also close connections and flow. In the search for the good meeting points between people, in dance and life, that we all want, this is a duet that fits for a variated audience .


The duet “Are you with me?” works with partnering and Contact improvisation o show the thematic. Because in C.I you solve movement task together with your duet partner. You need the other for the movement and meetings to happen.  Through the work we also question if the basics of this movement style: listening, give and take , working together and have some fun, can be good key points for also other types of building relationships and communication.

The idea for this duet is that the thematic and the physical research comes together as one.

Play Video

Some clips from the 3 first processes.

Pictures by: Rune Aasen ( Verdal 2022)  and Simen Thornquist ( MDG desember 2022)


This duett is  part of AKs artistic research and focus around communication and relations ( 2021-2023): Alone, like Knute(r) solo created in 22-23  and Fire Away  solo created in 21. Towards the audience, or like with the performance Veikryss and here between the dancers on stage.


This movement style is inside the dance field common in contemporary dance educations. We then meet C.I and Partnering in the working field often in workshops and auditions, but my experience is that I never really train it so much after graduating. Covid also gave a break to touch. This duet is then also a research as dancers to bring more back the style into our vocabulary and bring it into a performative context. I feel we succeeded. This duet prosess helps me feel more confident in the style and teaching it too.




Insert text sept 24


Sa jeg noe feil” av Aksel Inge Sinding”. The book focuses on how to better valiaded the other peoples and how people can feel seen, it also talked about different kind of mood, approaches and feelings. I understood a lot here I have not experienced before in personal life, but would love to…. Also the book took the duet in perspective and gave me ideas for a for a next contactimpro duet and so I realize one thing take the other and how this my first contact impro duet now has maken me ready to create the next one. ♥


This duet is part of my own show “MiV” that showcases own creations from the previous years. For performing places and dates: Made in Værdaln

TRØNDERTUN 2023 (the pictures under)

This duett In March we worked on a third version. We rehearsed in Trøndelag: Verdal, Trondheim and Melhus. Then we had a showing for the students at Trøndertun Fhs. In this week we went into the depths of certain parts. We also got a session of supervising on the technique. The viewing was a doubble bill and Knute(r)  was also shown this day in a longer version.


This training and reflections then helped me get in tuned with the style and creation again , Then we continued working together for 4 days and presented a second version of our duet at Mind the Gap, Oslo, 4th December 2022: MIND THE GAP 2022 | Facebook


Coinsidences want it that this year this movement form has its 50ths anniversary!  October 2022 I then travelled to Oslo to participate in a weekend workshop. To move and celebrating partnering and contact improvisation. Together with a lot of people from the CI community in Norway. This weekend I got to test the thematic in real time: To do a lot of meetingspoints with new people.  Video from the weekened (2min)


With founding from Trøndelag County, we started our process in Verdal, Trøndelag with 5 days intensive work. Here an early version started to take form.

Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.