Dansebilder i Nærområdet – The Photoevent

Concept and creators: Ann Kathrin Granhus and Rune Aasen (smugmug.com)

ViewingsVerdal bibliotek | Verdalsøra 10th of June & AMFI Verdal  24th of June 23

Duration: 1h & 30 min ( with a short break)

Content: Viewings of the photos through video reel and projector, live dance and a lecture/ talk around the work.

Video: from the event can be given upon request

Based on this project: “Dance Pictures in our Near Areas” – The photos

Thank you notes and info about founding further down the page


Velkommen til foto-eventen “Dansebilder i Nærområdet”. Kom hit og slapp av til mange fine bilder, dans, prat, kaffe og musikk! Her kommer du også til å kjenne igjen mange kjente, flotte og overraskende steder på Innherred. Brukt på en kreativ måte.”


This is the story of a creative journey where two artforms meet. One works on capturing the moment, the other one on being in it. Together they share with you many wonderful moments, and showing you that our near areas and nature can be our creative playground and retreat. 


The pictures and the event is a collaboration between us, dance artist Ann Kathrin Granhus from Verdal and hobby-photographer Rune Aasen from Levanger. We started a little before the pandemic by exploring different photo ideas: light, colors, shapes and movement, composition, photo- technical subtleties and different “props” and locations. The collaboration continued under and post – pandemic and now we have many creative and varied images and stories to share with you!

Play Video

30 pictures from 30 photoshoots and some video from the events.



We are  now sharing the results through a photo event. The images are displayed through a big screen and video viewer.  Then there will be lectures and live dance on the program. There will also be some printed pictures on the walls and photo books to browse. We also fix coffee and freshly made waffles.


We will talk about the collab, the tasks, and the journey towards this event. We share about the ideas behind  the photoshoots and locations and the work before, during and after a photoshoot. In this way, this event will also be an opportunity for you to get insight into a creative collaboration between two different forms of expression: dance and photography.

Together, we hope to give you a varied and unique art and cultural experience here in Verdal.  Set aside the dates in the calendar and feel welcomed 🙂

Regards, Ann Kathrin Granhus and Rune Aasen.


Sharing our work and creations with you is one side of the package. This event was also a continuation of my audience research and development focus ( See “Veikryss” and “19-21 i bevegelse”) . This time showing contemporary dance through photos in our near areas! Pictures is something many can like and in this way invite people into the world of contemporary and creative dance from a different angle. Creating a photoevent was also a different kind of production that I enjoyed making.


Since this event happend in Verdal at public spaces, it was not allowed with entrance/ticket sale. So it can be open to everyone. We got some compensation for this from the shopping mall, that covered our expenses, thank you!) and we did a voulentary donation for the guests at both places through Vipps. For supporting the event:  #fotoevent and for supporting our work ahead:  #dansogfotoreisa. That vipps was also a competition, where you could win a picture printed from a local photostudio in high quality!


  • Rune for embarking on this journey with me.
  • Our partners and all female leaders of: Amfi Shooping Mall, the Cafe “Mei & Dei”, and the Libary in Verdal for good talks, performance place, and beeing proffesional towards us. The good communication and help gave fine working conditions in the process.
  • The audience in Verdal for good questions and engagement in the events.
  • Trønder Avisa for a nice article


“Dance Pictures in our Near Areas” – The photos Here you get more images and a video from the project.  If you became interested in purchasing images or this event?

feel free to contact us by email: rune.aasen@ntebb.no and anngranhus@hotmail.com


Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.