“Dance Pictures in our Near Areas” – The photos

2019- 2023: A colloberation with photographer Rune Aasen. Rune Aasen (smugmug.com) Is the leader of Innherred Photoclub and is an entusiastic hobby photographer.

what: collab on 30 photoshoots and 2 dance performances.

where: Verdal and Levanger ( Innherred) Trøndelag.

Role: Co-creating

We also have created an event: Dansebilder i nærområdet – The Photoevent



The starting point: Sometimes we discuss an idea, sometimes we find a nice location. Then we research colors, lights, form, movement, and composition. Sometimes we have a prop like smoke bombs or a shawl.

This collaboration has given me as a dance artist a wonderful place, time, and space to express my creativity over time through medium photography, and get out and get some fresh air!

Many people in Innherred will relate to the places that these photos have been taken, while some cannot be recreated, like buildings that have been taken down in the last years.


Rune and I met in November 2019, where we did our first photoshoot “forest-elf”. This collab continued, and we sat a goal to do 12 different ideas in 2020 and managed it! I found it so nice that something  creative was there for both of us each month in 2020. A creative breath of fresh air from the turmoils and pandemics. After the pandemic, we continued and spring 23 this collab has lasted for three years.

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Video of the photobook 2020 + some pictures from 21 and 22.


We both are in charge of the process and the end result. We work together and both come with location ideas and organize.  I buy the clothes and fix my hair, I warm up and prepare, and figure out the movements and poses, Rune takes the pictures, drives and edits. We both choose the pictures we both like in the end.


We have for the last two years (21 and 22) been working on creating a photo-exhibition. Autumn 22 plans changed due to lack of founding and spring 23 we are  instead creating a photo-event! The good thing of showing the pictures thought big screen and video is that we can share more pictures , easier to travel with and cost less! First we are doing the eevnt north in Trøndelag where the pictures were taken, then I hopes to show it other places in the country Dansebilder i nærområdet – The Event

Here are some selected pictures from our collaboration: All rights served and owned by Rune Aasen (and me.)

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Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.