North Area Rumble Game

approximatly 50 shows in 10 countries in Scandinavia and Europe.

when: 2015 and 2016

Role: Performer

Style: Physical Teater

N.A.R.G. is created by:  The Danish physical theater group Don.Gnu:About | DON GNU – Physical Theatre

NA.R.G dives in to the explosive meeting of unrelenting primal forces and the human experience” ( from Don.Gnus webpage)

The piece featured 4 physical performers on a huge balance board. The piece was a lot about  listening to eachother , create balance together and if one tips the whole thing rumbles,…

More info at their webpage:


I started in the piece N.A.RG. as an apprentice spring 2015, and continued working on this production for a year after my graduation. I also did some shows in autumn 2016 when I had started my teacher education.

We performed many places and went to several festivals during these two years, like Tanzmesse Düsseldorf, Festspillerene Harstad and DON*GNU – Aerowaves

Play Video



I am forever grateful for this job opportunity in the beginning of my carriere.  In a time when I had not much clue how to manage being a freelancer. I learned a lot and got many good memories. Thank you everybody .

Play Video

Parts of NARG and a colloberation performance with the Norwegian company Kartellet

Their webpage : Dansegruppen Kartellet

Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.