Legenden om Aretha fra Skierde

Location: Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Storvika Beach.

By:  Thorunn Wikdahl

My role:  Acting and dancing the northern mythology Goddess Frøya

Shows: October: 8 in 2021, 4 in 2022, production cancelled halfway during rehearsalperiod 2023, new showplans autumn 2024

The show

Legenden om Aretha fra Skierde is  Norways first outdoor fantasy play for kids and youth about the northen mythology! This show blends nordic and asian popculture with our time. A family performance with acting, music, dance  and movements and battle. We follow the brave teenager Aretha on her jourey and quest in the battle bettwen good and evil. Where she also learns that sides of herselves that where not seen so good from here friends, in the end was not that bad. The show is made by Producer and director Thorun Wikdahl in Stjørdal.

From the website in Norwegian:

Yggdrasil er en forestilling influert av østlig og vestlig popkultur, med norrøne guder, vesener og naturfenomener. Gammel norsk og asiatisk kultur møter vår tid. En familieforestilling med mye musikk, bevegelse, kamp og dans i en spennende fortelling om Arethas dramatiske reise gjennom et eventyrlandskap hvor virkelighet og fantasi blandes i nydelige levende sceniske tablåer.

Webpage: https://www.yggdrasil-teater.no/

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Short snippets of my work in the show



I played and danced the role of the Nordic Mythology Goddess Frøya.

I had many lines (thank you) and I  loved how I could put a lot of my “physicallity” into this role and in that way make Frøya unique in this fantasy context. This is my first acting role and I am so thankful for given the opportunity to grow and learn within this caracter. II also really loved to work togheter with the Youth cast, my youth dancers and the professionals. It became a nice mix on and off stage and good group all together to work with ♥

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Trailer 2021

Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.