“Stories. The world is more complicated than our truths about it”- quote – Hamar Performancefestival 20 years.
Though text, writing, reflections, performance, dance, video, and song and different backgrounds we 10 artists explored what home can mean for us, for others. Through 6 intensive days we went many directions. This came together in a performance at Hamar Performance Festival okt 2023. The performance was based around a score, and a one of a kind experience.
Through this project I got more aware of what I need to feel like somewhere is home, and can home be more places? a person? In a time where many also are, forced from home or moving around looking for another home or a temporary home until wars is over, this process gave a lot of food for thoughts around basic human needs.
A text I said during the performance, without performativity choices or context, puntuality, written in my dialect:
“Hygge og trivsel, smil, kaffe? Og en god samtale… en vibe, din tribe, din flokk…ok, herre går i stokk…
Å vær ein del av en gruppe, e å ha eit sted å hør te…men for mæ, kain nånn gang heim bare vær ein person, sammen i naturen, og bli forstått i dæm øyan…
Aah.. inn i skogen, opp i fjelle, vatne, båle, og de litt for stekte pølsan.
Roen og stillheta. Et dypt pust inn med frisk …. «puste inn» “ja, dåkk vet ka”.
E du en natur eller by person? kanskje bægge.
For noen ganga kan itj ein plass fylle alle våre behov, men ein hoinn, det må værrra ein hoinn der, eller ein liten katt. Nån som tar dæ i mot. Nåkka å kom tebake te.”
Tekst ges into humming a Norwegian lullaby.

Since 2006, German artist Verena Stenke and Venetian-born artist and writer Andrea Pagnes have been working together internationally as VestAndPage with performance art, performance-based film, writing, publishing and temporary artistic community projects. For over a decade, VestAndPage have been exploring performance art and filmmaking as phenomena through their collaborative multimedia art practice, artistic research and curatorial projects. Read more about VestAndPage