Follow the Vikings

20 shows in 11 Viking locations in Europe/ Scandinavia

Time: over a two years period ( autumn 2017- spring 2019)

Places: Norway, Spain, Irland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Shetland and Polan.

Role: Dancer, Performer, Choreographer and Teacher

Thank you notes at the bottom.

”Follow the Vikings is a four-year transnational project funded by Creative Europe, which aims to make transnational Viking heritage accessible and understandable to a world-wide audience. The project brings together a network of partners from across the Viking world to broaden and develop the audience to Viking heritage and its sites across Europe.”

*Text  from the Follow the Vikings Webpage: Follow The Vikings Project | Follow The Vikings


The FTV roadshow was part of the a bigger Follow the Vikings project. The roadshow contained actors, a battle, song, movie projections and dancers. The story of the show is following the life story of Egil Skalagrimsson, the famous Icelandic poet.

Play Video

one of the trailers


  • Dancing and performing an own created solo (6-7min) as one of Odins Raven, Hugin. #awesomecostumedesign
  • Choreographing on teeenagers and youth to every place we went “outreach” and they joined the show with their own choreography. ” Prepare for battle” and going berserk!*The Berserkesrs where where Nordic Viking Fighters. Said to be using wolf and bear skin clothes during battle to scare. Outreach: I went one week before the rest of the crew to wherever we were going. Then I taught talent groups around in Scandinavia and Europe. They learned a group choreo “Prepare for battle” where they were Berserkers. Due to the different ages, styles, and levels of the groups I met. The choreo changed accordingly to fit the dancers.  They then joined our show with their own scene.
  • Lip Sync Role as a nobel viking lady.


The end dinner of the Follow the Vikings Roadshow Project, happend in March 2019 in York. For this event I was comissioned to present a new solo. That was the beginning of the solo: Røtter With that a viking focus has been a part of my artistic direction all my carriere. From the starting of developing the raven solo in 2016. 

Fun fact: my mersona name became @mermaid.hrafna due to this role.  Hrafna is Icelandic for raven.

Play Video

1min and 30 sec of the Raven Solo. York 2019. Whole solo is 7 min. Music: Helvegen from Wadruna


  • Craig Morrison that believed in having a contemporary dancer  and contemporary dance into this world would be a good idea.
  • All the actors and vikings for your companionship.
  • The young dancers I got to train around in Scandinavia and Europe for your work spirit, joy and growth you gave me in the beginning of my teaching carriere.
  • The places we met and memories we made.
  • All the partners for this wonderful journey I got to join.
  •  Wardruna, Norwegian traditional music band, for letting me/us use your music for our aristic purposes. It fits well!

    – The Raven –


Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.