Cosmetic Demons -The Pop Up Version

Choreography, idea and consept: Sindri Runudde
Repetiteur and artistic assistance: Maia Means
Dancers: Ann-Kathrin Granhus, Veslemøy Frengstad & Ken Bruun
Collaboration with DansiT and Multiplie Dance Festival
Composer and sound design: Andreas Tilliander
Where: Rosendal Teater and Kunsthall, Trondheim
Hairdresser: Elinor Sæterøy
When 19 th and 20th of April 2024
Production by Sindri Runudde & Nordberg Movement.
Work 45 min improvised solo performance based on a score and tasks.


Welcome to the hair salon where your inner demons can take place, be shared and celebrated! In an extravagant event, the audience becomes part of a cosmetic transformation where fantasies and dreams are interspersed with direct encounters.

In Cosmetic Demons: A Choreographic Salon – The Pop Up Version

the hair salon is a place where gossip, emotions and personal processes are made visible. In front of the chairs – where the mirror usually is – you now meet one dancer, one hairdresser, and one customer playing out a choreographic idea that turns into a salon.

In this  immersive experience, the audience gets a glimpse  into the hair salon as a social space. Through dance-transformative actions, the intimacy between hairdresser and customer becomes central. Through curiosity, Sindri challenges the audience, and through visual shifts, a metaphorical room is created where one can be together.

what in April 2024:

This event is the premiere of the installation version of the stage performance. Created with three local dancers, that improvise to the music of Andreas Tilliander . Audiences can come and go during the three hours.


Play Video

6mnd edited video from the 45 min improvised performance at Kunsthall, Trondheim.

Picture credits: Arne Hauge/DansiT, handstand picture: Anna thu Smidt, the rest private.

Thoughts behind the process:

At my BA in Modern Theater Dance,  we did a lot of  “improvised performances” based on tasks, solo and contact improvisation based. In the workingfield I have not done it so much, so far. It was therefore wonderful to come back to this and I would love to do it more.

In the cosmetic demons project I also felt connected to the choreographic work and process. There where trust in the performer delivering the ideas. It is wonderful as a performer when we feel all this. Thank you Sindri , Maja,  Veslemøy,  Ken, Ellinor and Andreas for this journey at “Cosmetic demons – a pop up salong”. I feel very happy to get to do this creation and work with you all.

Thanks also to DansiT, Ásgerður and Praxis Trondheim. My first experience with joining Multiple Dance festival not only as an audience, but also as a perfomer was great. The whole weekend enriched me a lot.

Interested in this project?

feel free to contact me.